P i n k P a p e r

Cellule de veille et d'action juridique en matière d'asile
The Legal watch and action unit on asylum issue aims to ensure that refugees and asylum seekers’ rights are complied with, that is to say that they have a full knowledge of their rights, that they enjoy effective access to their rights and have a high quality representation. To achieve this, we want to build on our volunteers’ legal expertise and experience with asylum seekers and refugees.
Our goal is not to provide a solution to all asylum seekers whose application has been dismissed, nor is it to promote action against all negative decisions.
The Legal Section rests on jurists. Our team comprises 12 volunteers who are legal professionals, be they academics or practitioners. All have signed our Volunteer Contract, which includes a strict confidentiality clause
See a model of Volunteer Contract
Every Friday, two volunteers are present to deal with Pink Paper-related issues. They gather and sum up the needs of refugees and asylum seekers. This information is then passed on to the Pink Paper Team. Research is undertaken on a voluntary basis, depending on the availability of each Team member.
Our work entails 3 main tasks:
Legislation and case-law monitoring: gathering and sharing the Luxemburgish, EU law and ECHR legal news in the field of asylum right.
So that lawyers and other practitioners have a better understanding of the case law
Asylum seekers individualized monitoring: offer legal support to asylum seekers whose lawyers face two different kind of pressure: short deadline to bring actions and a complex legal system.
So that asylum seekers have a better understanding of the procedure.
So that asylum seekers are better prepared to the procedure, which helps saving time during the interviews with the Ministry (proof gathering etc.)
Reflections and recommendations on current issues, such as effective access to the labor market in concordance with EU law, analysis of the European Commission proposal “Asylum Package II”
For a substantive work ahead of the legislative work and constructive proposals.