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-what we know on 24 march 2020-  

This page is intended to answer the frequently asked questions that we receive. The situation is changing very quickly. We try to update this page daily but cannot guarantee that the information below is up to date.

In case you have a doubt, please contact your social assistant.  

In the case he or she is not available, you can join us : 

(Cassie : 691 311 890 ou Ambre 621 811 162)


What are the symptoms?

- Fever

- Coughing 

- Breathing difficulties

- Incubation period (time between the day of infection and the appearance of the first symptoms) : 14 days 

How to act if you have the symptoms?

- Call your doctor. Do not go his practice in order to not spread the virus.

- You can at any time call the HOTLINE dedicated to the virus -  8002 8080

- In case of emergency, call 112

How to protect yourself and others?

- Stay at home. Only travel in case of emergency and for essential groceries.

Why this restriction on freedom of movement? These measures are applicable to all persons on Luxembourg territory. All residents are ordered to stay at home. The goal is to drastically limit the spread of the virus.

- Wash your hands with soap and water frequently.

- Avoid contact (shake hands, kiss) and respect the safety distance (1 meter)


- Avoid touching your eyes, mouth, nose


- Sneeze in your elbow or in a handkerchief. The virus spreads through the respiratory droplets expelled during a sneeze or cough.


- The elderly and people suffering from pre-existing chronic diseases seem more vulnerable and exposed to the risk of complications.

For more details, go to the dedicated site of the Ministry of Health.

What are the impacts of this health crisis on my procedure?

I have to be transferred to another EU Member State because I received a transfer decision from Luxembourg under the "Dublin Regulation"; or an inadmissibility decision. Will I be transferred?
> Transfers are suspended until further notice. 

My "pink paper" (certificate of registration of the application for international protection) expired. What should I do? 

> The extension is automatic "for the duration of the state of crisis". The counters of the Directorate of Immigration , route d'Arlon, are closed until further notice.

My residence permit expired after March 1, 2020. Does it mean that I am staying illegally in Luxembourg?

> The stay of people benefiting from a short or long stay visa, a temporary residence permit; a residence permit, or a residence card having expired after March 1, 2020, are extended for the duration of the state of crisis".

I need to file documents with the Directorate of Immigration to complete my file. How can I do ?

> The counters are closed; documents can be sent by post.

(Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs
Directorate of Immigration - Foreign Nationals’ Service
PO 752
L-2017 Luxembourg).


Unfortunately, all services are impacted (Ministry, Post) so it is unlikely that your documents will be administered quickly.

See the communication of the Directorate of Immigration of the Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of 19 march 2020

See also :

ASTI - COVID-19: Mesures pour ressortissants de pays tiers / measures for third-country nationals

- Luxembourgish Red Cross / Lisko's page about Coronavirus :  Be safe, stay informed #covid19 


Passerell a.s.b.l.

4 rue Mathias Hardt

 L-1717 Luxembourg

+352 621 811 162

Utilité publique 

Passerell a.s.b.l est une association à but non lucratif reconnue d’utilité publique par arrêté grand-ducal du 5 septembre 2023. 

RCS n° F10715

TVA : LU31915085

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